VoxTraining is a pack of 11 games, with the aim of stimulating, conditioning and training speech and voice in children, teens and adults, improving the voice production and control of various vocal parameters.
Main Advantages
- Attractive strategy, which transform the therapy in a stimulating activity with the use of high resolutions games, while the patient involves in a ludic activity, correcting his/her voice and speech production deviations.
- Easy to use even to the client as to the clinician.
- Great variety of activities to diversify the clinical work.
- Visual feedback, in real time, of the client’s production, which stimulates to improve the voice and speech production abilities, converting an abstract process into an observable reality.
The games are divided in:
Intensity Games
To play this game, the player must keep the airplane's route through controlling the volume of the voice. In addition, the player must capture the clouds to raise the score.
In this game, three gas cylinders of different sizes are shown on the screen. Each cylinder represents a specific volume range that needs to be maintained during the phonation task (the smaller cylinders correspond to softer sounds and the larger ones to louder sounds).
Pitch Games
Electric Guitar
An electric guitar is shown on screen, whose the strings represent the different pitch ranges of the emission; the player must keep his/her voice in the specific pitch range, to gain points and listen to the string sound.
You can set the pitch to man, woman or child.
The player must keep the voice pitch in a valid frequency range to score and control the bird flight.
Pitch and Intensity Games
The player will control a ball that moves to the horizontal and vertical directions of the board. Each direction corresponds to the pitch and intensity parameters of the voice, working the bass-sharp and strong-weak dimensions at the same time.
Voiceless/Voiced Games
Os jogos para o controle do traço de sonoridade podem ser utilizados com os sons fricativos anteriores, “f” e “v”, mediais, “s” e “z”, ou posteriores, “ch” e “j”.
The player controls the car movements, through voiceless and voiced sound production. When the player is emitting a voiceless sound, the car goes to the left, and emitting a voiced sound the car goes to the right.
The player controls the movements, through voiceless and voiced sound production. When the player is emitting a voiceless sound, the tennis player goes to the left and emitting a voiced sound the tennis player goes to the right.
Rhythm and Voice Onset Games
Ferris Wheel
The player listens to a sound sequence that presents the rhythm to be followed with the vocal production. Visual Effects are shown when the vocal production reaches the correct rhythm.
The player must hit the moving targets through the vocal parameters control, such as voice onset, strong emission or plosive sounds. You need to use the keyboard to move the character in the screen.
Pitch and Max. Phonation Time Games
In this App, the player has to sustain his/her voice as close as possible to the frequency of a given sound cue, so that the Equilibrist reaches the next target platform. You must set the frequency range for male, female or children prior to starting the game. The game plays random frequency and duration stimuli.
In this game the player must control the astronaut flight through a sustained vowel, so he/she doesn´t fall in the holes and escape from the tentacles.
voice exercise, vocal games, voice therapy, speech language resources, slp resource, vocal exercise, frequency f0, speech